Monday, August 12, 2013

Assignment and Missing Work Bulletin Board

This is the main bulletin board in my room.  Since it is regularly modified, it is a very important board for not only me but especially my students. (My phone camera does not always work well so I apologize for the picture being fuzzy.)

Our district requires us to have a weekly agenda posted.  This year, I decided to add a folder system for missing work.  I decided to put them all together.

I wrote out each day and then put the white paper on purple tag board.  I then laminated them. When my lesson plans are ready, I will use recycled half sheets of paper and write down the daily assignments.

This paper is a procedure paper for the missing assignments area.  Studies show that have procedure papers posted around the room will reduce the number of situations where students claim they don't know how to do something.  I introduce each section/center to my students at the beginning of the year and regularly mention them for the first month.  After that, only new students will be informed of each section/center.  (I will add the number of days once I find out if district has changed over the summer.)

I laminated the sign as well as the folders. 

When we get an assignment done, I will put the worksheets in the folders of the day we did the work.  However, this won't help for days when we had tests/quizzes or assignments that are not on paper.  For those days, I'm planning on putting a calendar on the left side of this bulletin board and write in the assignments for those days. This way, the students can see what they missed even if they weren't given a paper for those days.


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