Sunday, September 1, 2013

Substitute Binder

I have been gradually working on a Substitute Binder since the day after our first inservice day of this year. 

My subs have always told me that I'm very organized, but I just knew I could do better. I've always left detailed lesson plans, but once, I forgot an updated roster.  Since then, I knew I would never make that same mistake.

As I planned the binder, I thought about the days when I was a substitute and how I was often left with little to no plans.  Sometimes the teachers didn't even leave me absentee slips. I wanted to be thorough with this binder and this is how I did it.

The binder is labeled as: Substitute Binder.

When you open it, to the left is an updated roster and the pocket is labeled: roster.  In that pouch the sub will also find a small stack of attendance slips. I also added something we have to do right now called a Warm Body Count.  The sub will have those slips there as well with a note explaining the purpose.

The next thing the sub will see are clear dividers in the center of the binder. The first paper is a schedule with details on my prep and teaming times.  The next divided section is labeled lesson plans.  I don't give my sub the lesson plans we have as a department. I rewrite them for her/him. 

I have a section with seating charts. 

Another section is instructions for Emergency procedures with the red, yellow, and green cards that we use during these procedures. I have also included a diagram of the school and which way the class is supposed to exit the building during a fire drill.

The last section is a pocket divider with Emergency Lesson plans and at the very back is a stack of outdated referrals but will be useful for a substitute.

I want to buy a decorative binder and will then take pictures. Right now, it's in an old black binder. 

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